Wednesday 14 March 2012


Hi everyone, in this post I am going to talk about bullying.
There are many kind of bullying, but I am going to talk about bullying in schools.

What’s bullying:
      Bullying is a pattern of aggressive behavior meant to hurt or cause discomfort to other people. Bullies always have more power than victims. Their power comes from physical size, strength and support from their group. Bullying is a major problem in some schools. While school violence has dropped in past years, reports of bullying have increased.
In the paragraph below, I am going to show you bullying rate in Canada and America.
Bullying rate in Canada:
                 Number of Percents

The chart above describes the bullying rate in Canada. The chart shows that the rate has decreased all the way to high school. The chart also shows that  it's higher in middle school which is so bad. As the chart shows, boys are bullied more then the girls are.

Bullying rate in America:
The chart above shows the bullying rate in America. It has way more people bullied and injured during the year of 2007. If we compare this chart to the chart above, they almost have a same result which means bullying rate in America is almost same compared to the bullying rate in Canada. 

      Bullying has become a part of education. Every year so many people are bullied in so many places, that they commit suicide. Here are the consequences.
The consequences:
As a result of being bullied, victims may experience different kinds of mental problems. Victims may have more sadness, sleep difficulties, low self-esteem, headaches, stomach pain and general tension. They can also be victims of psychological stress, depression, panic disorders. Psychological stress can cause victim’s body to be less resistant to disease and infections and they can get sick more often and depression can also take victims life.
Bullying update:
In Europe, 1900 children committed suicide due to depression of bullying and 2 million children were infected with some kind of psychological or emotional problem.

What can you do to stop a bully?
1.    If you see somebody being bullied, go tell a teacher right away.
2.   It can also help a victim if you stand up for them.
3.  Don’t join in bullying.
4.  Don’t spread the rumors. Let it end on you.
5.  Offer help to the victim when the bully is gone.

Facts about bullying:
·      1 in every 7 students in grade k-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying.
·      A bullied child cannot stop bullying without outside help.
·      Bullied children are often afraid to speak up loud.
·      Bullying is a serious act that has immediate and long term consequences for a child who is being bullied.
·      Acts of bullying are often invisible to teachers and parents.

  Here are some pictures of the children being bullied:



Now it’s time for a video about bullying. This video is a bout a  bullied kid who turns out to be the survivor:

I hope you enjoyed it!!!!